
Mayor aligning with party that hurt Aurora

As a resident of Aurora, I'm disappointed to see that Mayor Irvin is considering compromising his values for a blank check from Ken Griffin, the mega-billionaire who brought us one of the worst governors in Illinois history. My community remembers the chaos of Bruce Rauner's administration, and we expect a leader to denounce anyone who supported his tenure, not align themselves with them.

Aurorans elected Richard Irvin to build up and support our city, not sell us out. We elected Irvin to bolster safety and security for our families and schools, not to accept cash from the guy who made it possible for the state to go years without a budget while our local social service agencies were decimated. Aurora remembers how Rauner turned his back on our teachers and left hardworking families high and dry.

I thought more of Mayor Irvin.

Deborah L. Fisher


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