
Set your clock to God's time

"My times are in your hands."

- Psalm 31:15 (NIV)

We recently set our clocks one hour back. Resetting our clocks serves as a reminder that all events in life depend on their connection to the correct time frame in order to happen.

We can tell this is true by looking at the practical side of life. For instance, we know if a baby is born months before its due date, it will be sickly and weak. We also know that if we take a cake out of the oven too early, it will taste like raw dough and not be exactly what we had in mind to serve our guests.

While learning a new skill, breaking an old habit, or wanting a change to happen in our life, we may be tempted to give up when things don't flow smoothly or quickly enough.

We may think we made the wrong decision to do it in the first place. But the truth may be it's just not God's time for that particular thing to happen in our life yet. We may need more practice in our skill, or greater development of perseverance and patience.

It could also be that God is stretching our faith and teaching us to trust in him. We don't always understand God's timing.

Jesus was sent here to teach the word of God and perform miracles. But when the disciples coaxed him to go minister in the town of Judea, Jesus knew it wasn't the right time to go there. He told the disciples, "My time (opportunity) has not yet come." (John 6:7). He was giving us an example about waiting on God's perfect timing.

Feelings of fear, frustration, or doubt can be an indication to us that we are in a hurry and trying to run ahead of God's plan. If we stop our struggle to make things happen before God is ready for them to, and put ourselves in his hands for our life's events to take place, we would discover a greater amount of peace and contentment.

By setting our clock to God's time, we can learn to enjoy our life.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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