
October is month to celebrate life

Last Sunday, Oct. 3, was Respect Life Sunday and the start of Respect Life month during October.

Sadly, the respect for life seems to be nonexistent. But the worst thing that happens is the taking of innocent human life in the form of abortion. Every day throughout this country and the world, thousands of abortions take place that deprive a human being of living a life. An estimated 62 million abortions have occurred since abortion on demand was legalized in the U.S. in 1973.

That's 62 million lives that could have made a contribution to society and perhaps make us a better nation. Yet, we keep allowing it to happen. The United States is one of 7 countries that allow elective abortion after 20 weeks of gestation. The other countries are Canada, China, the Netherlands, North Korea, Singapore and Vietnam.

In recent weeks, the furor has been over the Texas' Fetal Heartbeat law, which prohibits any abortion to be performed after 6 weeks. Critics say the law effectively eliminates abortions because most women may not know they are pregnant after the first six weeks.

This country needs to raise its consciousness about life. We need to value life in all stages - from the sweet innocence of a baby to the fragility of an aging senior. The value of life is priceless, no matter how that life is. We all need to think this way. Only then will the shooting and killing may stop.

Throughout world history, societies that kill their own children are doomed. Why are we killing our future? That is the question 62 million persons would ask.

Let's respect life - not only in October, but all the time.

Gerry Bliss

Elk Grove Village

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