
Pearls of wisdom for Mother's Day

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and brought it."

- Matthew 13:45,46 (NIV)

As a young girl, I recall each time I saw my aunt. Whether going to church, shopping or doing chores, she was wearing a string of white pearls around her neck.

Pearls were so the rage in fashion. You couldn't watch movies or turn on the TV without seeing women wearing them. Even everyday housewives like June Cleaver or Donna Reed (if you watch the rerun channels you'll know whom I'm referring to) wore an apron and a string of pearls while tending to their daily chores.

Women loved pearls because they added a touch of class to formal wear or casual dress, or spiced up a simple pair of jeans. Even as a young girl I had a strand of plastic ones I wore.

Pearls hold their value; and today they are still as fashionable and classic as they once were.

But as much as I enjoyed seeing them, my mother wasn't the kind to wear pearls. She had a different type of pearls she displayed for us. You couldn't see them on her neck, but they were beautiful and worth a fortune. I wouldn't trade her "pearls of wisdom" for the best strand in any jewel case. To this day, my sister and I still enjoy sharing them.

In the Bible, Jesus referred to pearls of wisdom as "pearls of great price." They are the wise words God imparts through scripture verses.

Oftentimes, they are overlooked because they seem too simple to be of great worth. But as Mom would instruct us, that simple common sense goes a long way.

This Mother's Day, I'd like to share a few of mom's pearls of great price:

• The important things in life are belief in God and love for family and others.

• Get along with your siblings; after your father and I are gone they are all you have left. (I impart this one to my children all the time).

• Mind your manners. Saying "please" and "thank you" goes a long way to show you respect others and possess spiritual values.

• Don't follow the crowd. Think for yourself. Don't do wrong or stupid things just because others are doing them.

• Save a little money when you can. It comes in handy when times are hard.

• Always forgive others. It makes you the greater person and follows God's law to love.

• Choose your friends wisely, because they reflect who you are.

• When feeling hurt and rejected, remember Jesus' words: "Shake the dust from your feet and move on." (I believe this is because rejection is God's redirection).

• Don't lose sight of who you are. Stay true to yourself, because God has specific plans for you.

Hope you enjoyed some of my favorite pearls. May you collect a strand for your life.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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