
Enjoy biking after dark at Busse Woods Night Ride

The Friends of Cycling in Elk Grove, in partnership with the Forest Preserves of Cook County, are excited to host the 2021 Busse Woods Night Ride from 6 to 11:30 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 28, at the Busse Lake Boating Center in Busse Woods, Elk Grove Village.

On every other night of the year, the forest preserve closes at dusk. But, on this bike ride, the fun starts at sunset. Groups of bicycle riders will be led at a leisurely pace around the Busse Woods trail to experience all of the hoots, howls and beauty the forest preserve has to offer when the gates are closed to the public.

After your bike ride, enjoy live music, starry night hikes, raffle prizes, bonfires, s'mores and more. Food for purchase will be available. All paid attendees 21 and older will receive two drink tickets for beer from Mikerphone Brewing or wine from Wine With Me.

Event ticket sales started July 2, with early bird pricing available through July 31. Regular and extended rides are available. Purchase your tickets now before the ride is sold out.

All proceeds from this event will be used to promote the many benefits of cycling in Elk Grove Village and the Northwest suburbs. Tickets can be purchased at

The Friends of Cycling in Elk Grove is a group of dedicated cycling advocates and enthusiasts from Elk Grove Village and the surrounding area that simply want people to ride bikes more often - to school, work, for errands, exercise and enjoyment.

For information, visit The Friends of Cycling in Elk Grove at

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