
The fight continues

Although our country as a whole did not reach President Biden's goal of 70 percent of adults receiving at least one COVID vaccine dose by Independence Day, we have significantly moved the needle in Chicagoland. Northwest Community Healthcare (NCH) is proud to announce that we have delivered nearly 50,000 vaccines since the process began in December 2020. That equals 4% of all vaccines administered in suburban Cook County.

NCH has partnered with local businesses and community agencies to take vaccines directly to their employees and partners. We have also provided vaccines to homebound patients and continue to do so.

Our fight against COVID-19 is not yet complete. The projected local response to the Delta variant is dependent on those who remain unvaccinated. We urge all who are eligible to take advantage of this opportunity to protect your health and the health of your loved ones. If you cannot be vaccinated, please continue to practice social distancing, hand washing and wearing your masks.

A note for those parents who are still considering having their student vaccinated (ages 12 and up). In order to have them fully vaccinated before the fall semester begins, their first dose should be administered this month. If you have any questions about the safety of the vaccine for your child, please contact your primary care provider or pediatrician to discuss your questions or concerns.

On behalf of NCH, I would like to thank our Northwest suburban community for the support you have provided our healthcare system. Fighting this pandemic has truly been a team effort. The finish line is in sight, and if we continue to work together, get vaccinated and support each other, we'll soon cross it.

Susan Nelson, Vice President Physician Operations

Northwest Community Healthcare

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