
Live your life creatively to fight the daily grind

"The bread of ours was warm when we packed it at home on the day we left to come to you. But now see how dry and moldy it is."

- Joshua 9:12 (NIV)

What's new in your life? Maybe you recently received a new job and are basking in the excitement of the thought of more money, new opportunity, or change of pace.

Possibly, your family has experienced the recent joy of a newborn baby, a new puppy, or you've become a newlywed. Perhaps you've recently remodeled your home. Getting a makeover can bring a breath of freshness to a stale life. Vacationing or buying new clothes can lift our spirits as well.

All these things are nice. Life in the fast lane of change and excitement can keep us charged up and energized. However, it is only temporary. Eventually the newness wears off. When it does, oftentimes, we find we have gone from living in the fast lane to experiencing the mundane.

The familiar can seem rather boring and monotonous. Doing the same household chores and following the same daily grind can get tiring. Looking at the same scenery day after day loses its appeal. Just as a loaf of bread can become moldy and stale if not properly taken care of, life can appear to be that way if we don't take charge of it.

Although there's nothing wrong with a daily routine, when it becomes a rut, then it's time to get creative and look for some simple changes.

Driving a new route to work, if possible, could bring a change of scenery. Playing some music while doing a chore could help pep us up. Taking a time out to be thankful or marvel at the beautiful nature that surrounds us can bring a moment of refreshment.

Rearranging our schedule whenever we can, such as changing the store we shop at, trying a new dish, or reorganizing our daily tasks, can help. Changing our break time could create a change of pace.

I deal with some physical limitations that cause my life to be very routine. I look for ways to bring some refreshment. For me, reading a book, watching a game show or engaging in a positive phone call with a friend can break up my daily monotony.

I believe God created life with some routine built in it, but I also think he expects us live ordinary life creatively. Let's pray for a little ingenuity to enjoy ordinary living.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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