
Forest preserve should not be treated like park

The public relations announcement by the DuPage County Forest Preserve seeking public input via scheduled Zoom meetings regarding Blackwell Forest Preserve near Warrenville and two other forest preserves is just that, public relations. Supposedly, these will include discussions on ideas for "recreational amenities, trails, natural resource restoration, facilities and infrastructure." Unfortunately, those who are governing the district have misguided the public by constantly misusing the word "restoration" for their projects. In fact, they seem more interested in creating parks out of what should be preserves and creating projects that destroy habitats more than they preserve them.

After the latest "restoration" project, the north side of Blackwell preserve looks like an open wasteland. Many of us who live near the preserve are utterly shocked and dismayed by the loss of so much habitat for the birds, mammals, insects and reptiles that used to make the area their home. The Spring Brook Creek and Wetland Restoration Project is a name dreamed up by their P.R. Department. The man-made stream merely is an extension of the brook to further filter the Wheaton water treatment plants' effluent through part of the preserve to the west branch of the DuPage River. The project destroyed two wetland marsh habitats, part of a woodland habitat, vegetation in the open grassland areas, a bluebird nesting area and the riverbank vegetation on the west side of the DuPage River.

Preserves are for nature and those people who appreciate nature in all its forms. Parks are for manicured lawns, picnics, playgrounds and other forms of lawn games, sports and recreation.

I urge residents of DuPage County to demand that funds, expertise and manpower be put toward the proper managing of our preserves and planning that involves a "less is more" attitude. Think "forest preserve."

Bonnie Van Dine

West Chicago

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