
Village needs to expand access to leadership

Mayor Hayes' statement assuming Ms. LaBedz was selected just for appearances' sake is appalling. Just his statement alone indicates his belief that women serve as an inclusion requirement first and then maybe, just maybe, she may be highly qualified and deserving of this position. That is insulting and disrespectful to Ms LaBedz as well as the rest of Arlington Heights' residents.

I believe Mr. Tinaglia may be too personally invested in the growth of this village. I've heard many residents complain of his architect company's involvement in many developments here. If there is any truth to this, it would blatantly exemplify "Conflict of interest." Yet it seems this conflict does not seem to be an issue for Mayor Hayes. Instead, the demeanor of a person is more important.

Mr. Tinaglia's expressed feelings of dismay over the rallying behind the scenes to support LaBedz, yet he doesn't see or chooses not to see the similarity of Mayor Hayes calling board members days before the vote to solicit support for him.

I have met Mayor Hayes and Mr. Tinaglia. They have served well and are likable, but we need new ideas and energy without controversial baggage to move forward. Long-serving officials who have been groomed by prior long-reigning figures become stagnant and are no longer fresh. It would be arrogant for them to think that there aren't concerned others who can put a brightness on this village.

Term limits are sorely needed, and if that doesn't exist, then we citizens need to speak up and help make the change for our village to shine. We need new leadership to reflect a new and inclusive Arlington Heights.

Arlington Heights has been lovingly called the "village of good neighbors," not the "village of a regime."

Helen Gong Weiner

Arlington Heights

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