
The Soapbox: Daily Herald editors offer brief thoughts on suburban topics in the news.

All's well that ends well?

That's hard to say in the case of Elk Grove Township Elementary District 59 Superintendent Art Fessler and the Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization. Fessler, who had agreed to an early exit with Dist. 59, appeared set for an NSSEO job to get 170 days he needs for a full pension. The deal fell apart, though, after NSSEO board members read about it in the Daily Herald.

Lots to dwell on

The Fessler story contains multiple elements of the complex issue of educator contracts and pensions - pay for vacation days untaken, possible insider arrangements, penalties for excessive end-of-career raises and more. An NSSEO trustee was glad people found their "moral compass." Too bad the system allowed it to be lost.

Sticking their necks out

American writer Bruce Feiler might have said it best: "Take a walk with a turtle. And behold the world in pause." It's the start of a dangerous time of year for these creatures as they slowly make their way across roads, and efforts are being made to protect them. Also, beware of those stopping to get some sun on bike/walking paths near our area ponds.

Final five

Lakewood's Grace Kinstler continues her "American Idol" journey Sunday. She's in the ABC singing competition show's final five, and Crystal Lake is already prepping for a hometown visit parade should she make it to the next round. Here's hoping the singer brings it home to the 'burbs.

Delivering vaccines

The DuPage County Health Department is partnering with local first responders to expand efforts to vaccinate homebound individuals. As a result, DuPage residents who cannot safely leave their homes can still receive the single-dose Johnson & Johnson shot. Kudos to the county for allowing anyone who wants a shot to get one.

This week's Clippable Quote

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." - Eleanor Roosevelt

Kudos to St. Charles District 303

The St. Charles District 303 school board this week hired Tracy Taylor as the district's first director of diversity, equity and inclusion. The intention is to "build a culture of equity and inclusion for all students, families and community." Equal treatment is certainly what's right. We're happy to see these hires taking place at several suburban governments. Good luck to Taylor.

A bicycling tragedy

World-renowned architect Helmut Jahn was killed in rural Kane County after he was hit by two cars when, police say, he rode through a stop sign. The area is one haven in the suburbs for cyclists. It's heart-breaking when anyone's life ends like this, and an unfortunate reminder of the caution needed in the recreational pastime of cycling, even in quieter areas.

Remembering Helmut Jahn

But, Jahn will be remembered for far more than the way he died. His building designs were recognized around the world, and with projectslike MetroWest in Naperville, the Oakbrook Terrace Tower and the United Airlines terminal at O'Hare, he left an indelible mark on the suburbs. Our sympathies to his family.

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