
Here's the line on Georgia law

In the April 22 Daily Herald "Your Views," Al Haak of Palatine challenged Mr. Kinney's letter printed April 20 to "show me and the rest of the readers where it says the Georgia law prohibits giving food or drink to voters standing in line to cast their election ballots." The suggestion was that such a statement didn't exist and was simply a Democratic talking point and a lie.

Section 33 (a), line 1873 of Georgia Senate Bill 202 (as passed) states: "nor shall any person give, offer to give, or participate in the giving of any money or gifts, including, but not limited to, food and drink, to an elector," Done.

The full text of the new Georgia voting "rights" bill can easily be found online. While Mr. Haak's views are undoubtedly sincerely held, we all have a responsibility to confirm such divisive statements prior to publication.

Arthur P. Malm


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