Endorsement: Miller for East Dundee village president
Jeffrey Lynam has served four terms as a village trustee in East Dundee, so you would expect him to be intimately familiar with the details of local government and well prepared to move into the role of village president. And he is.
But Lael Miller, the two-term village president seeking re-election, has the advantage of eight years in the top seat of a village that has made and continues to make important advances in economic development, while maintaining a unique historic charm both in business diversity and residential environment.
Miller, the co-owner of an antique and home decor shop, points out that from his early days in public service, he has wrestled with the word potential that is often repeated when people talk about East Dundee. In the beginning, he says, he bristled because the word seemed to imply nothing would ever actually come to fruition. Now, he notes, he's proud to see how much has been accomplished, but he still has a vision for what can lie ahead and the knowledge and experience to help achieve it.
As an energetic and longtime village board member, Lynam, a retired financial analyst, also has valuable ideas and experiences, and he certainly has been part of the leadership team responsible for East Dundee's steady advances. But Miller has been in the pivotal leadership role for much of this growth, and he brings a level of authority on the issues that is not easily overcome. He gets our endorsement.