Rolling Meadows seniors can get help navigating vaccine registration process
Seniors struggling to navigate the online registration process for a COVID-19 vaccine will be able to turn to volunteers for help next week.
Rolling Meadows Aldermen Jenifer Vinezeano and Karen McHale, the Rolling Meadows Library and Rolling Meadows Park District are behind an effort to help residents 65 and older register to get a vaccine via various online platforms. It's a process that has proved difficult, even for those more technologically inclined.
"We found a great need in our community with our seniors and getting them registered for their COVID-19 vaccines," said Vinezeano, who also works as a nurse. "For our seniors, it's a real challenge."
Rolling Meadows residents can call (847) 818-3379 to make an appointment to meet with a volunteer at the library next Tuesday and Thursday. There, they'll get help with the online vaccine registration process.
"This does not guarantee any appointment for a vaccine. It just gets them in line and registered, which is the biggest challenge our seniors are experiencing," Vinezeano said. "We are excited that this is going to be starting."
Those interested in volunteering as part of the tech support team, such as high schoolers looking for service hours, can also call the hotline number, Vinezeano said.