
Indoctrination at school is wrong, insulting

I am privileged. I was privileged to come to this country with my parents after WWII. Later, I was privileged to work my way through college along with help from my mom, who raised four kids with only her Social Security survivors' benefits and factory work.

Later in life, I was privileged to send my two kids to college, and now I am privileged to pay high taxes. of which 66% go to the local school system - an excellent system, by the way.

Today, we have some truly privileged Ivy League grads who write drivel and market their fancy-named (Critical Race Theory and Deep Equity) political propaganda to employers and worse, to indoctrinate our youngsters in our school system.

Young minds are vulnerable to this trash. Schools should concentrate on curriculum such as math, reading, science, etc. which lay the groundwork for their success in the future. It is the parents' responsibility to teach their offspring the remainder.

As mentioned, I pay high taxes to support the school system to provide a quality education to the students, not to indoctrinate them. I consider this indoctrination to be an insult to me and what I have worked for.

Folks, we need to stop this political propaganda, marketed by the elite, from taking over our society. This practice is starting in our school systems. Be watchful, attend school board meetings and make your opinions known. Administrations will try to implement this drivel because they are afraid of political repercussions.

God bless the United States of America.

George Kujanski


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