
Scholarship tax credit helps close education gap

Gov. Pritzker has announced his intention to phase out and eliminate the Invest in Kids scholarship tax credit starting with his most recent proposed state budget. This program provides tuition assistance to low-income families who are struggling to provide their children with the quality education they need to become successful and close the wealth gap.

Because the program is funded with donations, it essentially provides $1 of scholarship funds at a cost of 3.7 cents to the state. That's an annual return in excess of 2,600%. Under what other education opportunity program designed to benefit low- and middle-income families does the state get a return of over 26 times it's initial investment?

I think we all believe that a quality education is the foundation for future opportunities that can close the wealth gap in lifetime earnings for children from low and moderate income backgrounds. If you agree, write your state representative, your state senator, and Gov. Pritzker and tell them to retain the Invest in Kids scholarship tax credit as a tool for educational justice in the state of Illinois.

Peter Gennuso


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