
Moving, insightful column

What a wonderful new columnist graced the Opinion page of the Daily Herald on Wednesday, Feb. 10. Marc Munroe Dion wrote such an insightful and beautiful piece that captured the bittersweet, sad year we have all experienced: "We go about our business covered in masks and sanitizer, wounds scraped in our skin from sand blown by that wind that won't stop blowing. America is a Dust Bowl of the soul right now, everything blowing away. But, we've been out, in the car, in the dark, together."

His final observation was what brought me to tears: "I often say that isolation and the boredom during the pandemic won't show if your wife loves you, but it will show you if she likes you, which may be more important, or at least more important day to day." Thank you for this beautiful column.

Dianne McGuire


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