Elgin League of Women Voters to record virtual candidate forums for April 6 election
The League of Women Voters of the Elgin Area has issued invitations for virtual candidate forums to 69 candidates running for office in 15 contested races in the April 6 Consolidated Election.
Candidates were also asked to fill out an informational questionnaire on our website, lwvelginarea.org, and their written responses can be found in the Voter Guide.
The forums will not be livestreamed; they will be recorded over a period of several weeks and posted to the LWVEA YouTube channel, where they will be available for viewing via links on the LWVEA website and www.facebook.com/LWVElginArea/.
Candidate forums will be recorded starting on Feb. 16 and finishing up on March 23, so check for updates.
Forums will be posted as they are recorded.
The committee will be inviting candidates on the ballot for the following races:
• Dundee Township: Two candidates for supervisor; two candidates for highway commissioner; and seven candidates for four trustee seats;
• Elgin Township: Two candidates for supervisor; two candidates for highway commissioner; and seven candidates for four trustee seats;
• City of Elgin: 11 candidates for four city council seats;
• East Dundee: Two candidates for village president;
• South Elgin: Five candidates for three village trustee seats;
• West Dundee: Two candidates for village president; and five candidates for three village trustee seats;
• Gail Borden Library: Four candidates for three library board seats;
• Elgin Area School District U-46: Four candidates for three school board seats;
• Algonquin-based Community Unit District 300: Seven candidates for three school board seats;
• Elgin Community College: Four candidates for two school board seats.