
When life seems bleak, it's time to make a gratitude list

"Give thanks in all circumstances for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus,"

- 1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NLT).

Last week, I found myself struggling to stay positive. You probably can relate to those kind of days, when it seems you haven't had one upbeat thought flowing through your head.

As the day went on, I was still battling the depression. So I stopped to think about what it was that kept me feeling so down. I realized I was concerned for my son who had just been in an accident. He was doing OK, but had some complications. It was a realistic concern.

Other than that, I was dealing with my own typical health issues that nag at me on any given day. Another realistic concern. And a few house projects that I couldn't seem to get finished.

Then I went over the ongoing COVID-19 concerns and political battles. And one of the biggest issues for me this time of year - lack of sunshine.

I decided to follow my own advice, and I said a prayer for some mental and emotional strength. I prayed for positive outcomes to my dilemmas and positive thoughts. Then the idea hit me. I had to go over my gratitude list.

There's nothing like gratitude to turn around our thoughts. It seems to have a spiritual power that re-connects us to God and sets our thoughts on the positive path. Constructing a list of things we have to be grateful for provides an opportunity for moments of reflection that reveal all the good God has given us.

It doesn't take away the things that are wrong; but it brings us a healthy balance, so we can see God's faithfulness and the blessings He has provided. Gratitude stirs up hope that He will provide for us, once more.

We can all be grateful when there's enough money in the bank, we're romantically involved or have something exciting to look forward to. But when the daily grind sets in and there's more month than money, ongoing relationship upheavals and the constant cold weather with its hardships, we find ourselves doing more complaining than remaining grateful.

The Bible instructs us we are to be grateful in all things. That doesn't mean to be grateful for all things (although I believe God works good from bad things), but to find gratitude amid the things that are wrong. Staying grateful can heal our broken hearts, broken dreams and restore our sanity.

Experts say we should say at least five things we are grateful for each day. Some people do this daily and keep gratitude journals. I've had them at times. But I've also just made lists on simple pieces of paper. I think the most important thing is the ability to repeat the list in our heads at any given time.

I'd like to start you on your way to an attitude of gratitude by sharing a few of the things on my list.

I'm grateful for God's love and miracle working power, and with Him all things are possible.

I'm grateful for friends now and in my past.

I'm grateful for warm showers.

I'm grateful for restored hope, new dreams and old ones that never die, because they are ours to fulfill.

I'm grateful for each meal.

I'm grateful for wisdom gleaned through life's experience.

And I'm grateful for each and every reader. Happy gratitude hunting to you.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413.

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