
Some trials take longer than others

"My times are in your hands ..."

- Psalm 31:15 (AMP)

I've heard it said, "The trials of today are the treasures of tomorrow." Oftentimes, in hindsight, we see how God used a trial to strengthen our faith, teach a lesson, or grow our knowledge or trust in Him.

In my own life, I haven't always understood the amount of time it took for a particular trial to end. I've seen God do amazing things overnight, while other times I've waited years for a desire to come to pass.

One thing about 2020 is that we dealt with some things we hadn't expected. In a short period of time, our resilience was tested. We were shown what we were made of, the good and evil. And we were humbled to our knees when out-of-control circumstances made us realize how much we need God's help.

As we move forward into 2021, looking for some relief, we need to do our best and trust God has a plan and a time line for every situation. I think if we had a better understanding of his timing we could cooperate with his plan, but timing is one of the great mysteries of God.

Why does it take God so long to answer our prayers? I think it's because God has a specific plan for every event; one that we don't always see or understand, especially at the time.

Chapter after chapter in the Bible, we can read how each situation took different amounts of time to resolve.

When wrongfully accused, it took Joseph 13 years to go from prison to freedom and become second in command as God had planned. While he was waiting for his release, God was helping him to reach new levels of maturity so he would be equipped for the job (Genesis 37).

God wants to lead and for us to follow. We have our agendas and our timing, but God's timing is perfect. He is improving us and changing and rearranging people, places and things in our lives to get us into a new season where blessings can flow.

In the process, we must wait patiently while he is working behind the scenes to put things in place.

During times of waiting, we must take care of business as usual, even if we must do it with a new normal. We must remain vigilant and stand strong against our enemies, such as the COVID-19 virus, the hardship of financial circumstances, and hopeless thoughts.

Remembering he delivered us in the past is an attitude of faith that can help us trust while we wait. (I remind myself of that, often, when I'm in need of a breakthrough).

Then, in God's perfect time, we can see 2020's trials turn into 2021's treasures.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. She can be contacted at or (847) 543-8413. Visit

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