
Willis says she won't vote for Madigan to be speaker

The chair of the House Democratic Caucus said Tuesday she won't vote for Michael Madigan to retain the speaker's gavel, making her the 19th House Democrat — and the first member of party leadership — to break ranks with the besieged veteran legislative leader.

State Rep. Kathleen Willis said in a statement to her fellow Democratic legislators that she made the decision to oppose Madigan's bid to be speaker in the next General Assembly after “a lot of thought and discussion with my family.”

The Addison Democrat pointedly did not use the title that Madigan has held for nearly four decades, referring to the man known in Springfield as “Mr. Speaker” as simply “Representative Madigan.”

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House Speaker Michael Madigan has been implicated in the ComEd bribery scheme but has not been charged. He denies any wrongdoing. Capitol News Illinois, 2019
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