
Dictatorship in the making

I woke up this morning with my stomach in knots. I have been watching what the current president is doing to our country. First, he installed his family members in high-level positions for which they are not remotely qualified in order to secure his power. Next, he bullied elected officials into a place where they cower in a corner instead of standing up to his madness and his evil tendencies. Then, he used his bully power to ensure that Congress would be stripped of its oversight powers.

He used his cronies in the Senate to pack the courts with only judges who he felt his base would like and who he felt would rule in his favor. He has only installed heads of departments who will pledge loyalty to him and not to our country. He has signed executive orders allowing for purging departments of employees he feels are not loyal to him. He has his terrorist groups "standing by."

He has refused to accept the outcome of the elections and has his Washington supporters backing him. Those who do not back him are afraid to speak up. He is purging the military command of anyone who does not pledge allegiance to him as he gets ready to take over our country and remove our democracy. He has politicized departments that have been nonpartisan for years in order to gain control.

If this is not a dictatorship in the making, what is? I hope others are watching and preparing for the takeover of our country. I hope those who have pledged allegiance to him realize that once they become no longer useful to him they will be purged, as well. Don't they ever wonder why he insists on nondisclosure agreements?

Laurie Miller

Elk Grove Village

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