
Reformer, problem solver

As a voter residing in the Illinois House 47th District, a representative's performance is what gets my attention when I decide which candidate deserves my support. Deanne Mazzochi's performance as our state representative has been nothing short of laudable. The bills she has filed and worked to pass have made our lives better rather than taking more money out of our pockets.

She has worked tirelessly to reform several anti-business Illinois policies and eliminated taxes that prevented high-tech businesses from investing in Illinois. Knowing full well that we desperately need property tax reform, she with other Republican legislators stopped the Democrats' effort to triple the real estate transfer tax and take another long-term costly pension holiday.

Mazzochi uncovered a host of politically connected wasteful spending this past year that she encouraged fellow legislators to cut. The Democrats refused, as they continue to the flow of money to their political machine. No surprise there.

For education, Mazzochi co-sponsored legislation to address teacher shortages downstate and improving access to mental health training. She proposed legislation Democrats wouldn't take up including more local control over 5G networks.

Deanne Mazzochi is truly the independent problem solver. Please vote to keep her in Springfield as she is a proven reformer.

Anthony J. Parrino

Western Springs

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