
Missing obvious truths

U.S. Rep. Lauren Underwood talks a lot about science. We are constantly told about how she always "follows the science."

Science, as we all know, is based on facts and based on verifiable outcomes and data. So how is it that someone who seems to be so grounded in science can ignore the obvious truths about the rioting and looting taking place in communities across the nation?

Of course, the people protesting in the streets during the day are good, upstanding citizens who are exercising their constitutional rights, but then when the sun goes down, the protests turn violent. People's property is being destroyed and lives are being lost.

This is happening. You can't close your eyes and pretend that it is not.

The violence is real. The lives lost are real.

And unfortunately, Lauren Underwood's denial of what is right in front of her is also real. So much for following the "science" and data.

How can Lauren Underwood ever hope to lead on solutions for the problems facing our nation when she can't even acknowledge what those problems are?

She can't. We need and deserve better leadership. Vote Jim Oberweis for Congress in the 14th District.

Paul Powers

St. Charles

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