
County needs a change

While Kane County residents face devastating losses from the COVID-19 pandemic, David Rickert, the current Kane County treasurer and Republican nominee for county board chair has stated rather odd priorities: funding for nature preservation, better coordination of transportation projects and relief from unfunded state mandates. This focus will not address the tragic personal losses of our residents or the dramatic increase in potential foreclosures, which are already up 71% over last year.

Kane County has suffered over 14,000 infections and 340 deaths that shuttered businesses and schools. COVID drove unemployment to over 16% this spring and it still hovers at 9%. We have businesses going bankrupt, joblessness, food insecurity, homelessness and increasing mental and behavioral health problems.

Kane County is looking at a $10 million budget loss for 2020-21 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. We need the board to focus on mitigating the COVID-19 pandemic impact on Kane County so that taxpayers can safely return to work and our kids to school. To make that happen, we need increased investment in the health services that provide testing, contract tracing and counseling. We need direction of CARES Act funds to the nonprofits that provide homeless shelters, food pantries and health services.

I support Corinne Pierog for county board chair. Corinne will put the county board on the right track with a priority on people's health and safety. It is time to make it safe for Kane County to go back to work.

Bill Scown


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