
Build safety nets

Human health needs to be prioritized over a dog-eat-dog capitalist economy. Throughout Illinois, COVID-19 cases are on the rise again which means that the state will, rightfully, start placing restrictions on places where people gather, including businesses.

Since March, COVID-19 has made it very clear that capitalism is a deeply held cultural value for many Americans. Many of us believe the only options are either work or starve. And without a safety net, many don't have any other option.

We can look outside of our American economic zeal and realize that many other countries have used government safety nets to allow the flexibility to shut things down temporarily, support the temporarily unemployed workers with government programs, bring COVID cases down and then, when some health benchmarks are accomplished, reopen.

People don't have to starve because the economy gets restricted - that is a severe capitalist mindset. This mindset believes without the economy functioning, we cannot survive. This mindset believes any restriction of the economy is wrong.

President Trump's denial of the magnitude of COVID-19 infections and death counts is partially because of his severe capitalist fervor. Severe capitalism claims that we need to stay open for business even if it means people will die.

We don't need to stay open for business at all costs. But we do need a government that will provide a safety net to afford every citizen the right to a healthy life. The Democrats support access to health care via the Affordable Care Act and created robust legislation that provides adequate support for temporarily unemployed people.

In order to reduce the transmission and save lives, we need safety nets in place so we can prioritize everyone's health first. Only after our health and well-being is considered paramount can we be productive workers and rebuild our economy.

David Arfa

Highland Park

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