
Mail ballots not the job of the secretary of state

Why, during a time when Illinois is crying about financial shortfalls, are tax dollars being wasted to monitor who has or who has not requested a mail-in ballot? Why is Secretary of State Jesse White sending notices in English and five other languages presumably at taxpayer expense pointing out I have not requested a mail-in ballot and pretty much telling me to apply for one?

How is this part of the secretary of state's mission? When my husband and I received envelopes with the secretary of state's return address, we assumed it involved our cars. What a shock to find out that Illinois is spending money to monitor my election related behavior and to let me know about it.

This seems wrong, unethical, and wasteful. It also has an intimidation factor and makes me suspect that the Democrats are gearing up for big time vote harvesting and fraud. I was upset to learn that mail-in votes will be counted as received. This means that the Democrats who run Cook County and Illinois will know how many votes are needed on Election Day to make sure the election goes their way.

It is sad that the United States is moving away from being a democracy and people are pretty much powerless against a powerful machine that stacks the decks in its own favor at our expense.

Gilda Karu

Arlington Heights

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