
The Soapbox: Daily Herald editors offer brief thoughts on suburban topics in the news.

Get well, Mr. President.

And, Melania, too. For now, these are the chief sentiments all Americans share.

And closer to home ...

Let's not lose sight of the daily figures. As of Friday, the number of patients in Illinois hospitals with COVID-19 stands at 1,678, higher than the seven-day average of 1,579. The number of deaths reached 47, the highest one-day count since June. Wear a mask. Keep your distance. Be safe.

Madame Speaker .. It could happen

A big shout out to state Rep. Stefanie Kifowit, the Oswego Democrat who will challenge Mike Madigan for Illinois speaker. Many Democrats have cowered behind the line that they "will see who the candidates are" before making a statement on supporting Madigan for another term, knowing there's almost never competition. Now, let's see what they have to say.

Sidewalk statesmanship

"We the People of the United States, in Order to perform a more perfect Union ..." That's how somebody started something recently along Schaumburg's Gray Farm Park walking path. What followed, in different colored chalk, was the rest of the preamble and many more patriotic messages and dates. Rain has washed it away, but the sentiments linger.

Peaceful coexistence on the trails?

Ralph Banasiak, our Neighbor bicycling columnist, reported this week on forest preserve trails being busier this year - and more complaints being reported. They concerned trail etiquette: Staying on the right, moving off the trail when stopped, leashing pets or making sure leashes don't cross the trail, and calling out when passing. Let's be cognizant of each other out there.

Also, watch out for the wildlife

This has been a great year to notice all the wildlife in the suburbs. That includes on the trails. Now we're even seeing deer not being alarmed as we pass right by them. Be careful on the trails for their and your sake. Also, if you're taking pictures, watch out for others and make sure you're not blocking the whole trail.

Counting down to election day

There's only one month left until Election Day. Have you done your homework? Now's the time to study up on candidates and issues in races both national and local. You'll find stories and candidate questionaires on

This week's Clippable Quote

"In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." -- Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Keeping diners warm

If eating outdoors on a cool fall night doesn't sound appealing to you, Wheaton has a solution. The city will use a tent heating system so downtown restaurants can continue offering outdoor dining into the colder months. It's an innovative way to help those businesses.

Like father, like son

Blake Garrels, a senior at Barrington High School, has made his dad proud, following in John Garrels' footsteps to earn the Eagle Scout rank his dad achieved 31 years ago. Only 8% of Scouts achieve the rank, which requires progress through seven ranks, earning 21 merit badges, and planning and leading a service project. Congratulations.

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