
Trump is not perfect; but a great president

I read in Tuesday's edition an Opinion piece from another reader who stated things like "the president doesn't know how to do anything," "Trump cannot do the job" and "Trump is in over his head." The writer uses not one example to show how these statements are true. I choose to look at the president's actions and their results.

1. Allowed our military to end the ISIS threat and drive them into obscurity.

2. Forced NATO to address their failure to adhere to commitments to fund their defense.

3. Brought troops home from overseas.

4. Enacted sentencing reforms.

5. Lowered our taxes and orchestrated the best economy in the world. Bringing unemployment levels to their historical lowest for Blacks, Hispanics and women.

6. Brought American captives home from around the world.

7. Renegotiated NAFTA to help all three North American democracies.

8. Brought manufacturing levels up in the United States.

9. Fulfilled our national commitment to move the U.S. Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem.

10. Forced China to the bargaining table over the theft of our companies' intellectual property.

11. Restored funding for black colleges,

12. Supported federal agencies to move into "opportunity zones" to spur investment in some of the nation's poorest neighborhoods.

13. Broker a deal between Israel and the UAE to help stabilize the Middle East.

These are just 13 of the many things this "over his head," "cannot do the job" president has done.

Tom Horstman

Arlington Heights

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