
Vote for Casten to protect the climate

If we were looking for another indication of the need for bold action to curb climate change, we got it this summer when areas within the Arctic Circle reached 100 degrees.

Science has known of the impact of carbon dioxide emissions on global temperatures for more than a century, and politicians have discussed the need for steps to reduce CO2 emissions for decades, but with little to show for it. The current pandemic has reinforced the truths that we need to listen to the scientists and that denial is not a plan. The time for climate action is now.

The House Select Committee on the Climate Crisis recently issued a report called "Solving the Climate Crisis," which provides a legislative climate road map for Congress.

Illinois can be justly proud that 6th District Rep. Sean Casten was a key member of the task force. If we follow the House plan, we can rebuild a post-pandemic clean energy economy that is just and equitable and minimizes the effects of climate change to protect future generations. Let's not miss this opportunity.

Peter Swenson

Fox River Grove

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