
Don't let us tear down all that we've achieved

I'm watching my country being torn apart for the second time in my lifetime.

I remember the anti-war and civil rights protests of the late Sixties and early Seventies. At the time, I didn't have an opinion one way or the other. I knew people were protesting for something they believed in and that was all right by me. But when I saw the images of police clubbing people with batons and buildings and cars being burned, it bothered me.

Now 53 years later, I'm watching it again. What has happened to our country? We are better than this. Haven't we learned from what occurred 50-plus years ago?

While I sympathize with those who rightfully protest the killing of George Floyd, I don't condone those who are using his death to promote their agenda - specifically the Marxist centrist groups who would rather destroy America from within. What we have witnessed these last few weeks is downright embarrassing and shameful.

You cannot erase history. Getting rid of statues may placate some people, but desecrating other memorials just for the sake of destroying something is wrong.

Like it or not, we cannot change the past. Every person has faults - even those who wish to erase everything to achieve a utopian dream.

What we need to do as a nation is to learn from the past - learn from the mistakes made - and make a better world for everyone.

In the War of 1812, at the Battle of New Orleans, the American force consisted of such a diverse ethnic makeup - whites, Blacks, mixed races, Native Americans and French. The result was the preservation of freedom for all.

The memorial for the all-Black 54th Massachusetts Regiment was desecrated in Boston - a memorial for men of color who fought and died to preserve the freedom of their fellow people of color. Why?

America has been blessed to have a diverse ethnic background in its history.

Sure, there has been injustices, maltreatment and racism. But let's learn from the past. We have fought and won as a diverse nation.

Now is not the time to destroy all that was won by those who came before us.

Gerry Bliss

Elk Grove Village

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