
Choose to wear a mask

A conservative activist was kicked off a plane for refusing to wear a mask. There are millions of Trump supporters who refuse to wear masks even when social distancing is not possible because they believe their rights are being infringed upon.

So let me get this straight, many conservative Republicans argue that since this is a free country, founded on principles of individual liberty, that it's a violation of their constitutional rights not to be able to choose to wear a mask. What they are really doing is trying to assert their right to be reckless, irresponsible and extremely selfish.

Now, for those who choose not to wear a mask, here is something known as facts. It's a fact that COVID-19 kills and has led to over 120,000 deaths in the U.S. alone. It's a virus that is easily spread and has not gone away despite what Republican leaders want to lead you to believe. In fact, as many countries have seen a drastic drop in cases, the U.S. is seeing a rise.

What helps prevent the spread of this killer virus is something even a child can understand, social distancing (keeping a safe distance from others) and wearing masks when you are not able to keep a safe distance from others). Masks, even cloth masks, significantly reduce virus particles from spreading to others. Without a mask, a cough or sneeze can travel a great distance, while just breathing or talking can cause droplets to travel through and remain in the air for some time. If you don't wear a mask on a plane, or in other close quarters situations, you are choosing to spread a killer virus to others.

Many of the very same people who want to break social distancing rules and not wear masks, which will lead to the spread of the virus and guarantee the death of other human beings, are the same ones who want to force their moral or religious beliefs on others and argue that a woman should not have a right to choose.

Bruce Handler

Highland Park

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