
Looking for true sunshine in opinions on race

On Friday, March 13, an opinion article titled "Let the sunshine in" was featured in the Daily Herald. Yet, on Tuesday, June 2, the Rev. Clyde Brooks' article certainly didn't reflect the optimism and sunshine you are planning to bring to the paper. It was angry, hateful and offensive.

Fifty-two years and $22 trillion later, the Kerner Commission has not benefited the poverty stricken people it was intended for. 70 cents on the dollar did not go to the people.

If people are to get ahead in life and be able to move to better areas, they need a good education and this has been denied to those living in the ghettos.

Who got enriched by all these trillions of dollars?

Where are the black leaders and what have they done for 50 years for their people?

Rhetoric is useless. Quoting from Keith Ellison, attorney general of Minnesota, in this article does little to build good relationships among us.

He blames white supremacists for the riots but is an extreme liberal leftist who was recently shown holding a copy of the Antifa handbook.

No mention of these activist groups causing the looting and rioting.

Thank you for at least publishing Walter Williams' articles. May we have more of these fine educated black leaders who offer the voice of reason and optimism and have been working tirelessly for their people. That's sunshine.

Nancy Asquini Dean

Arlington Heights

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