
People least at risk are most 'penalized'

No one is questioning the severity of the COVID-19 virus, but let's view it with some sanity that seems to be lacking in a lot of governors, doctors and "scientists." And common sense should also calm all but those hysterical lemmings who think and act like the sky has already fallen.

Those who keep and report the COVID-19 stats (and the media that publish or broadcast them) should do so on a "group" basis: Group 1 - residents of and workers in nursing home-type facilities; in jails and prisons; EMTs, nurses and doctors in hospitals who treated COVID-19 patients; and others who are age 70 or older.

This Group 1 will be a large majority of COVID-19 infections and deaths but only a small percentage of Americans. Group 2 - everyone else. This will be a majority of Americans, those who are not normally in a confined residence and not retired: In other words, the very workers (and their families) who are and have been "penalized" for a risk that is actually quite negligible for them, because they account for only a small minority of those infections and deaths.

In Illinois, for example, I wish some respected, authoritative organization without a bias would report these figures: COVID-19 infection and death proportions of each Group in the total and the percentage of COVID-19 deaths within each Group itself.

Also, the percent of those in Group 2 who have been infected but who have recovered, Those figures will show, I believe, that "scientists" and politicians have been responsible for the locking-down, masking-up and laying-off of many millions of Americans, for the decimation of our economy and for the increase in our national debt by trillions of dollars and all that for what? For only a very slight risk to most of our citizenry.

Gordon Fallowfield


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