
The deaths of two swans

Human stupidity or at least carelessness must be blamed for the massacre of two swans confined to a space they couldn't escape. The swans, whose wings were clipped, were kept within a plastic pen next to a pond at the Hamilton Lakes business park in Itasca. "These things didn't have a chance," says Cathy Pollack, a biologist at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, who came across the slaughtered swans. "You can tell they fought for their lives," she told Daily Herald reporter Robert Sanchez for his May 9 article.

It's unfair to blame whatever predator killed these beautiful creatures. Predators do what nature programs them to do. But why where the swans confined to a pen instead of the pond where they would be safe?

Oh well, the business park can just buy more swans. After all, they're just birds.

Helen Sierra


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