
Answer: Hopeful now

Columnist Connie Schultz asked on May 8: "Who were you before our current president? What did you expect from him? What do you tell your children?"

I was depressed and without hope. I expected our leader, our president, to stand up for the best interests of the USA. It embarrassed me that our leader, our president, apologized to the world for the brave women and men in our history that liberated nations, returned freedom to those nations and were killed and buried in those nations.

I tell my children to be grateful that we have a president that creates jobs for all Americans. Be grateful that we have a president that wants the United States of America to incorporate policies that look out for Americans first and then, because of its prosperity, can help others in the world.

I tell my children that you could be president. I tell them you will be a good president if you look out for your country first and then help others. It is not necessary to be volatile unless your opponents are breaking laws, paying foreigners and lying to federal courts to illegitimately frame you. I tell them you would be a lesser person if you do those things for the sake of holding power and then use rhetoric full of yellow balloons and daisies.

Asking one to conclude that our present president is incompetent because of the deaths caused by COVID-19 simply shows the usual biased, take any opportunity to blame the president for circumstances beyond anyone's control. What country in the entire world has an acceptable death toll from this virus?

I was despondent before Donald Trump. I am hopeful now.

Wayne J. Delaney


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