
Sweden response not necessarily comparable

I believe it would be unconscionable to not respond to the sweeping allegations, opinions and conclusions made in the "Swedish strategy is better than ours" letter to the editor recently, especially its final sentence: "He (Dr. Fauci) is more responsible for the current disaster in the United States than any other person and should be fired in disgrace for his horrendous mistakes."

Does the author of this statement realize that Dr. Fauci's opinion is supported by many, many medical and public health authorities worldwide including in the United States - and that Dr. Fauci is not acting alone? Also, does the same author understand that Sweden is a small, relatively homogeneous nation with a population of slightly more than 10 million (the size of the Chicago metro area or New York City) people and that the U.S. population is much more diverse and over 320 million?

Beware the individual who makes unwitting comparisons and then reaches sweeping, profound conclusions. Does that same author really know, let alone have the knowledge of the facts to understand and judge, the basis of Dr. Fauci's advice? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but.

George S. Motto

Arlington Heights

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