
Deregulation can work

While I do agree with Mr. Dion's contention that the U.S. Postal Service should not be privatized (corporations would not bear the expense of delivering to Midnowhere, Wyoming. or Icebound, Arkansas), I have to take exception to his statement that "every service I have ever seen deregulated or privatized ended up as a big corporate disaster."

Apparently, he has never studied the airline and telecommunications industries. Both, when deregulated, experienced huge price drops and dissemination to the common man. Let's also not forget the internet, which government thankfully kept its hands mostly off.

Also, what happened when government took over one seventh of the economy with Obamacare and how fast health care costs accelerated then.

The "free market" that is so often disparaged is something that should have no government interference.

David N. Brown

Villa Park

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