
Challenging times no match for the Easter Bunny

With Easter approaching, the Daily Herald reached out to the Easter Bunny via email (because social distancing is important) to spill the jelly beans about how his job has changed in these challenging times.

This is an edited transcript of that conversation

Q: We're disappointed we won't see you as much this spring.

A: Oh, I'll still be hippety-hopping down the bunny trail, but I won't be making many public appearances because it's important to keep all the girls and boys safe - and all the grown-ups, too!

Q: We hope you're doing OK ...

A: No worries! I've got a lucky rabbit's foot that protects me from just about anything. Four of them, in fact!

Q: Will you still be able to hide baskets?

A: Absolutely.

Q: With chocolate bunnies?

A: Yes, but honestly, those things make my nose twitch more than usual, especially when kids bite off the ears. It makes the hair stand up on this hare.

Q: Are you OK with colored eggs?

A: Absolutely, although I know some chickens who think they're not all they're cracked up to be.

Q: Do rabbits really like carrots?

A: We do, but if you want to know a secret, we're really fond of carrot cake. It would be nice if people left a piece out for me. I've never understood why people leave Santa milk and cookies and I don't get anything but a cold draft on my cotton tail.

Q: So, are you saying Santa big foots you?

A: Wow, that joke really Bugs me. Bugs - get it? It also puts a bee in my bonnet. That's another Easter joke that always gets big laughs at family reunions. And, believe me, when you're a rabbit, you have really big family reunions. By the way, do you know what subject rabbits always got straight A's in?

Q: Uh ...

A: Math ... because we're so good at multiplying!

Q: We've got just one more question for you ...

A: I'm all ears.

Q: ... Is there anything else we need to know before you make your rounds this Easter?

A: Yes. Just because you may not be able to sit on my lap this spring or shake my hand at an egg hunt doesn't mean I'm not still around. As long as there are tulips and daffodils and April showers that bring May flowers, there will be an Easter Bunny. And as long as you keep believing in me, I'll keep believing in you.

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