
Wrong choice for president

The Daily Herald's endorsement of Joe Biden was the most tepid, lackluster non-endorsement ever. It was on the par with Sen. Chuck Schumer's pathetic non-apology when he was literally on the steps of the Supreme Court, turning his head, and with audible rage threatened two sitting Supreme Court Justices.

The editorial failingly tries to prop up Biden's credentials. Here's the man who, as reported in 2014, was "wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." He was a "no-go" on Obama's ultimate takedown of bin Laden.

Do those indictments inspire any confidence in this man? Also, listen to what his Democratic opponents have leveled against him. And here is a man who has been in the spotlight for decades, yet his aura is fading in more ways than one.

If you read the editorial closely, they twice stressed that he's the man to single-handedly mend ugly divisions and heal "the wounds of polarization." That could not be further from the truth. The genesis of those wounds largely lie with Democratic actors stoking discord.

Merely recall the divisive moblike words of Democratic members like Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer, Adam Schiff and others in the media. And you want to reward that?

Biden is as equally a poor choice as is Bernie Sanders.

Bill Anderson


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