
Facts back up Sanders' positions

What does Medicare for All cost? Joe Biden is constantly stating that it's too costly and that Bernie Sanders doesn't clearly spell out the costs.

In fact, the Lancet study that Bernie has referred to showed that Medicare for All would essentially cost the same as what we are now spending. The 85% of people who have medical insurance would save money on premiums and save money on deductibles; save money on copays, but pay more in payroll taxes, but they would save an average of $2000 per year in net cost.

The 15% of people who are uninsured or underinsured would finally get full medical care. Their cost can be paid from the money saved by the 85%. There could temporarily be an increase in net cost because many of those people didn't see doctors, didn't fill prescriptions, or postponed needed procedures, but in a few years, their cost should be comparable to everybody else.

In the long run, Medicare For All will cost essentially the same as what we are paying now, but it will be much better for everybody.

People want to keep their union negotiated health insurance policies. Should they? Unions negotiated the best medical insurance currently available, but not one of them is as good as Medicare for All.

If you give advice, it is your fiduciary responsibility to think of people's best interest. Can Joe Biden, in good conscience, tell a union member that you recommend that he or she should keep their present medical insurance instead of Medicare for All?

Free tuition at public colleges is a costly, radical socialist idea. When land-grant colleges were created in 1862, they were tuition free. Was that socialism? The University of California did not start charging tuition until 1985.

Kent Kirkwood

Mount Prospect

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