
Illinois sees first community transmission case of coronavirus

Health officials said Sunday that a hospitalized Chicago man in his 60s is believed to be Illinois' first community transmission case of COVID-19.

The man, in serious condition, had not traveled recently. His case marked the seventh overall in Illinois.

“As we have enhanced our surveillance efforts and begun testing more people, we expected to find more cases, and I expect that we will continue to identify cases in the days and weeks to come,” Dr. Allison Arwady, Chicago Department of Public Health commissioner, said in a statement.

She said the news doesn't indicate widespread transmission in Chicago, but anyone with fever, cough and respiratory symptoms should stay home.

The first six cases, including two married couples, involved people who'd traveled, including a a special education assistant at a Chicago high school. Health officials said students, staff, and visitors to Jacqueline B. Vaughn Occupational High School were being asked to stay home out of precaution. No other cases linked to the school have been announced.

Worldwide, the virus has infected more than 100,000 people and killed more than 3,400. Most cases have been mild, and more than half of those infected have recovered.

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