
Fear of autocracy

Trump and the Republicans may win again in November because they know well the art of manipulating information. They learned it from the Russians, and Fox News is spreading it all day long. I am not fearful of the browning of America or a little bit more "democratic" socialism. What I fear, not for myself but for my children and grandchildren, is a country that turns autocratic so white males can remain powerful and wealthy.

While Trump wants to Make America Great Again, he now defies the laws that ruled before him and retaliates toward those who disagree with him. He claims to be for the hardworking Americans, but is health care more affordable, have our schools improved? What has been done on rebuilding the infrastructure or minimizing the effects of climate change? Instead, his policies seem to favor political donors and making deals with the wealthy.

I would like to think that most Americans would prefer a free society where people speak with compassion, tolerance and respect for one another, rather than one dominated with corruption, discrimination, insults and retaliation. If Trump loves this country, then why is he acting like a wannabe dictator? That was never the USA in the past.

Diane Crawford

Arlington Heights

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