
Life's disappointments can lead to positive changes

"When people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet ..."

- Luke 9:5 (NIV)

Over the years, like many of you, I have experienced life's disappointments.

Looking back, I think how disappointment is a part of life. Oftentimes, I think it sure would have helped if, in our younger years, there would have been a disappointment 101 class that would have prepared us for what to expect and ways to handle it. Instead, most of us find our way as best as we can through life's disappointments.

However, I think many people handle it in unhealthy ways. Some try to seek vengeance on whoever hurt them. Others hurt themselves, physically or by mentally and emotionally allowing the negative things done to them cause bitter feelings to take root toward themselves or others.

Jesus did instruct us how to handle it, because he was no stranger to disappointment and rejection. People rejected his ministry and denied his existence continually. Jesus instructed the disciples that people and circumstances would disappoint them, and when this happens, they should shake the dust off their feet and move on.

He doesn't instruct us to hurt ourselves or others. He tells us to shake it off and try again, or try something new.

Through my own disappointment, I have learned each is a challenge to contemplate and pray if a change is in order. If need be, I change whatever I feel God has brought to my mind to change.

Sometimes it's an attitude change that's required. I may need to forgive or apologize for something I've done. If I don't feel God is directing me to change anything, I use it as a challenge to stay determined and not give up.

I also found disappointment can be a motivator to see what changes I can make to improve myself. It might show me things about myself I've never seen before. Or, I may have trouble dealing with my feelings and seek some help and pray for strength to overcome.

I might decide to take a class of some kind and go in a new direction. In my younger years, dealing with some hurts and disappointments, God guided me to move away from friends who weren't good for me. Soon after, I went to nursing school.

Face it, disappointment hurts. When it initially hits, it sends your emotions reeling. It makes your stomach turn, your thoughts spin and you feel physically weak. It can make you boil with anger or feel like you can't take anymore.

When this occurs, it takes some time to process what happened and why. We can't act on our initial feelings. I wonder how many suicides or shootings have taken place because people acted on their emotional impulses when hurt.

God understands our feelings. That's why remaining stuck in our hurts and disappointments is not his way. He knows we can't live the abundant life awaiting us if we sit too long in pain over our disappointment. Through the acceptance of change and prayer for guidance and new direction, we can turn our emotional dust into gold dust, guiding us to new people, places and things.

When the rejection of disappointment knocks on the door of our hearts, we have to grab a hold of our emotions so we don't act irrationally. Given time, we can allow God to lead us to a new door of opportunity.

• Annettee Budzban is a Christian author, speaker, life coach and nurse. Invite her to speak to your church group or business or to be your personal coach. Contact Annettee at or (847) 543-8413.

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