
Northern Illinois Newspaper Association seeks 2020 High School Journalist of the Year

The Northern Illinois Newspaper Association will award a $1,000 scholarship this spring to the high school senior picked by the association as the 2020 Northern Illinois High School Journalist of the Year.

The scholarship winner will receive a commemorative plaque and recognition that will stand out on their college applications and resume.

NINA President Margarita Mendoza said the organization maintains this scholarship fund to encourage high school students to continue to study journalism and to promote journalism careers.

"As a professional organization dedicated to advancing print and online journalism education and training in Northern Illinois, we are excited at the prospect of awarding this scholarship to a student who shows promise for a career in our profession," she said.

The scholarship competition is open to graduating high school journalism students throughout the Northern Illinois region who plan to continue their journalism education at the college level.

The deadline for scholarship applications is Friday, March 20.

Eligibility requirements and scholarship application forms are available on the NINA website at

Applicants are asked to send entries to the Northern Illinois Newspaper Association, c/o John Etheredge, Record Newspapers, 109 W. Veterans Parkway, Yorkville, IL 60560.

NINA is a professional organization of newspaper and online media professionals. Over the past two decades, NINA has received more than 585 scholarship applications and presented more than $29,000 in scholarships.

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