
Rosemont travel show the place to plan new adventures

Imagine having the whole world just minutes away, a new country around every corner.

If you've ever been to the Chicago Travel and Adventure Show at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, you know just what that's like.

Thousands of eager travelers Saturday and Sunday visited booths, listened to travel experts, including show staple Rick Steves (he's a lot taller than he looks on TV), and planned their next adventure.

Gita Mawarsih of the Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia, left, and A.A. Sayang Wills of Columbus, Indiana, welcome potential travelers to their booth Sunday at the 16th annual Chicago Travel and Adventure Show at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont. Karie Angell Luc/for the Daily Herald
Rick Steves, travel show host and author, addresses the audience at the 16th annual Chicago Travel and Adventure Show in Rosemont. Steves is always a crowd favorite. Karie Angell Luc/for the Daily Herald
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