
Abortion opponents affirm Declaration

In response to Robert Frankel's letter to the editor in the Jan. 31 Daily Herald, his claim that the religious "right" is trying impose its religious views on those who favor abortion is far-fetched and off point.

While true that the Pro-Life movement is mostly made up of faith-based religions and that their rally cry is the sanctity of life, it is not trying to impose religion on those who don't seek it or trying to overturn the Bill of Rights or the First Amendment of the Constitution.

On the contrary, the pro-life movement is trying to affirm the Preamble of the Declaration of Independence which states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

I stress the part of the "unalienable right to life." Who are we, as fellow human beings, to deny that right? If a person murders someone else, they are charged with a capital crime and must pay the consequences of their action. Why should it be any different for not allowing a human being to be born into the world?

This is not so much about religion, but about saving ourselves and our way of living. If we allow the killing of human life before a person is born, what is next? The killing of the aged or those with disabilities? This is already happening in some countries such as China and Iceland. Does America want to go down the same path? I pray not. Let's make abortion and euthanasia unthinkable.

Gerry Bliss

Elk Grove Village

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