
Difference between secularists, faithful

When I read about what they are now calling the "Divided States of America" something profound comes to mind.

The secularists believe that they know better than God what is good and what is evil. Therefore for the secularists, the common enemy of all humankind becomes other people.

The faith community believes that God's word clearly defines for us what is good and what is evil. Therefore for people of faith, the common enemy of all humankind becomes the works of the Evil One.

And so what comes to mind is that there are two philosophies competing for the hearts and minds of America. The secular philosophy states that there are only two kinds of people in this world - them and us. And "them" must be silenced by any means necessary.

The faith community philosophy states that there is only one kind of people - humankind. And that all humankind has the right to present their views publicly being certain that God's word can compete with any man-made philosophy.

When the secularists look to solve America's problems, they must identify the enemy. That enemy is always other people.

When the faith community looks to solve America's problems, they must identify the enemy. That enemy is always the works of the Evil One.

Once these two groups spring into action the results of their battle are quite consequential.

The secularist philosophy pits Americans against Americans thereby dividing Americans in a confused and divergent rage against one another. The faith communities' philosophy pits all Americans against the works of the Evil One thereby uniting Americans in a common cause against a common enemy.

Charles Danyus

Round Lake Beach

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