
Board commended for quick response to graffiti

I'm writing to commend the Lake County Board and board Chairman Sandy Hart on publicly recognizing and condemning the graffiti in Lake Zurich displaying a swastika painted alongside the word "Trump."

Typically in the past century, the intended meaning of the swastika is to show support for a far-right nationalist movement that is fearful of being overcome by those whose origins and beliefs are not the same as theirs. More than a third of American Jews revealed that they hide their Jewishness out of concern for their safety, according to a new national survey by American Jewish Committee released last month.

In its resolve to honor the American spirit, the AJC convened the Community of Conscience in 2019. One of its precepts is to join us, in the spirit of inclusiveness, as we reach out to and uplift the poorest among us, as we welcome the stranger in our midst and as we fully enfranchise the differently abled.

Lake County is an increasingly diverse population. The Northwest suburbs are the fastest growing Jewish community in metropolitan Chicago. I ask the Lake County Board to continue its leadership to guard against the presence of hate and prejudice. In 2020, let's embrace the differences in others and let them be who they are.

Stephanie A. Victor

Lake Forest

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