
Wrong sources to model

This letter is in response to a Dec. 11 column on the Daily Herald Opinion page by John Micek. Based on his "unbiased" knowledge of academia, I believe he fits right in the ultra left-wing progressive universities that are prevalent today. Micek was commenting on how he perceives that the "GOP distorts reality through derision of expertise." Micek applauds the impeachment knowledge of three "scholarly" professors who wittingly demonstrated their hatred of President Donald Trump during their testimony with their pompous innuendo of the president's guilt. They presented no facts and only expressed their opinion. So why were they there?

One special professor, Stanford's Pamela Karlan, displayed her bias stating that she once crossed a street to avoid walking in front of a Trump hotel ... and you want me to listen to her?

According to Micek, these are the people that our children need to aspire to be. Micek conveniently failed to mention the only adult to testify, George Washington University professor Jonathan Turley. Mr. Turley stated that he is not a supporter of President Donald Trump nor did he vote for him. However, he eloquently laid out why this entire impeachment circus is not only unjustified but really, really bad for our country.

Bill Koller

Des Plaines

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