
We must get past this political crisis

As part of the impeachment proceedings, the House had four professors appear before the Judiciary Committee. I just left university and it felt a bit like a Twilight Zone time warp. Antiquated theories, which fall apart in their practical application and cowardly manipulation of the indomitable texts of the Constitution, Federalist Papers and even the works of Thomas Paine.

Now, did President Donald Trump fail the American people through his phone call with President Zelenskiy? Absolutely, yes. He also undermined our fight against Russian aggression and failed the people of Ukraine. Regardless, Ukraine got the military funding. Appearances of wrongdoing do not warrant impeachment.

The failure to take our foundational texts as they are written and abuse them for political gain is precisely the abuse of power that Madison and Washington warned us of at the dawn of our nation. We live in a technological age where appearances catch our eyes and the truth may strain them. However, it is our duty to look at the truth, even at the risk of shattering our preconceived notions.

These times of polarization are divisive and dangerous, but they also serve as a test. Will we stand by the texts of our Constitution and move forward with our election rather than allow political factions to bend our will? The Founding Fathers would be disappointed in the President, the Democratic House and the empty suits of academia. Therefore, it is left to us, the people, to make our founders proud.

If we face this challenge and move forward, we will grow stronger. We must move past this time or it will surely redefine our nation in the worst of ways. Let's finish up the impeachment process and march boldly toward better days.

Henry J.H. Wilson


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